Film & Animation

0 Views · 2 months ago

Résumé : Que feriez-vous si la fin du monde arrivait dans trois semaines ? C'est la question que toute l'humanité est obligée de se poser après la découverte d'un astéroïde se dirigeant tout droit vers notre planète. Certains continuent leur routine quotidienne, d'autres s'autorisent tous les excès, toutes les folies. Dodge est quant à lui nouvellement célibataire, sa femme ayant décidée que finalement, elle préférait encore affronter la fin du monde sans son mari. Il décide alors de partir à la recherche de son amour de jeunesse, qu'il n'a pas vu depuis 25 ans. Mais sa rencontre avec Penny risque de dérégler tous ses plans

Titre Original : Seeking a Friend for the End of the World
Film - Comédie dramatique - Etats-Unis - 94 minutes
Réalisé par Lorene Scafaria
Avec Keira Knightley, Steve Carell, Connie Britton, Adam Brody, Rob Corddry, Leslie Murphy, Tonita Castro, Nancy Carell, Gillian Jacobs, Derek Luke
Credits : Lorene Scafaria, Tim Orr, Zene Baker, Kathy Lucas, Kristin M. Burke, Delphine Olivier, Rob Simonsen, Jonathan Sadoff, Steve Golin, Steven Rales, Mark Roybal, Mandate Pictures, Indian Paintbrush, Anonymous Content

0 Views · 2 months ago

Summer Of '42
Theme song, Hollywood movie 'Summer of '42 ' (1971, USA)

Feelings of the summer of ’42 that's passed ... First Love.
Unforgettable 'Sweet and sour sentiments' that like a swaying and shining light ... Still now, one summer bittersweet loves reminiscence brought back in to my mind.

Sentiments de l’été 42 passé... Premier Amour.
Des « sentiments aigres-doux » inoubliables qui ressemblent à une lumière ondulante et brillante... Encore aujourd'hui, un été, la réminiscence des amours doux-amers me revient à l'esprit.

Sentimentos do verão de 42 que já passou... Primeiro Amor.
Inesquecíveis 'sentimentos doces e azedos' que gostam de uma luz oscilante e brilhante... Ainda agora, num verão agridoce, reminiscências de amores trouxeram de volta à minha mente.

The Summer of '1942.... Because, still under wartime... a boy was evacuating to the island and having boring days. But one day, Boy meets a fascinating woman on this island ... It was a lovely older woman. This is the story of Fresh love that spelled the encounter and farewell of a boy of one summer.
I watched to dazzling charm of Jennifer O'Neill that playing a lovely older women, That time, that for too much lovely I was forget me, and forgot to pass to time!
And Gary Grimes playing adolescent boys attracted to beautiful ladies was also a wonderful natural acting.
And, than anything the appeal of this movie was Michel Legrand's soundtrack .
The song composed of interwoven with string instruments such as violin and wind instruments was a delicate, deep, very sentimental and beautiful music.

The theme song of this movie
'Theme For Summer Of '42 The Picasso Suite'
'The Summer Knows (End Title Theme From Summer Of '42)'

Please enjoy with beautiful Michel Legrand theme song.

1942年の夏...まだ戦時下でした、少年は島に避難して退屈な日々を過ごしていた。 しかし、ある日、少年はこの島の魅力的な女性と出会う。それは素敵な年上の女性だった。 これは、ある夏の少年の出会いと別れを綴った初々しい愛の物語です。

'Theme For Summer Of '42 The Picasso Suite'
'The Summer Knows (End Title Theme From Summer Of '42)'

美しいMichel Legrandのテーマソングでお楽しみください。

音楽:ミシェル・ルグラン (Michel Legrand)
Music:Summer of '42: Original Motion Picture Score
composer:ミシェル・ルグラン (Michel Legrand)

Theme For Summer Of '42 The Picasso Suite
(Soundtrack / Cast Album)

The Summer Knows (End Title Theme From Summer Of '42)
(Soundtrack / Cast Album)

監督: ロバート・マリガン(Robert Mulligan)
原作・脚本: ハーマン・ラウチャー(Herman Raucher )
出演者: ジェニファー・オニール (Jennifer O'Neill)
ゲーリー・グライム (Gary Grimes)

配給 :ワーナー・ブラザース Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc.
公開 アメリカ合衆国 1971年4月9日

0 Views · 2 months ago

LA PROMESSE DE L'AUBE Bande Annonce VF (2017)

Découvrez la bande annonce officielle du film LA PROMESSE DE L'AUBE réalisé par Eric Barbier.

De son enfance difficile en Pologne en passant par son adolescence sous le soleil de Nice, jusqu’à ses exploits d’aviateur en Afrique pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale… Romain Gary a vécu une vie extraordinaire. Mais cet acharnement à vivre mille vies, à devenir un grand homme et un écrivain célèbre, c’est à Nina, sa mère, qu’il le doit. C’est l’amour fou de cette mère attachante et excentrique qui fera de lui un des romanciers majeurs du XXème siècle, à la vie pleine de rebondissements, de passions et de mystères. Mais cet amour maternel sans bornes sera aussi son fardeau pour la vie…

Un film réalisé par Eric Barbier
Avec Pierre Niney, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Didier Bourdon, Jean-Pierre Darroussin, Finnegan Oldfield.
Date de sortie au cinéma : 20 décembre 2017
Genre : Drame, Biopic

© 2017 - Pathé Distribution

0 Views · 2 months ago

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Rejoignez le "Bollywood Club" dès maintenant pour un accès en avant première à vos épisodes de séries préférées.
ICI 👉 👈

👉 Les plus belles Séries Indiennes ? Elles sont ICI 👉 👈 Abonnez vous

Naren, un garçon à tendance spirituelle, passe son temps à admirer la nature et à faire du travail humanitaire.
Son amitié avec Pooja, une jolie étudiante, change sa vie de la manière la plus inattendue.

0 Views · 2 months ago

Angel - Sortie le 14 mars 2007

Un film de François Ozon
Avec Romola Garai, Lucy Russell, Michael Fassbender

Angleterre, 1905. Angel Deverell, jeune écrivain prodige, connaît une ascension fulgurante et réalise ainsi le rêve de toute jeune fille : succès, gloire et amour. Mais n'est-ce pas trop pour une seule femme ?

Vous pouvez voir ce film en :


DVD / Blu-ray :

0 Views · 2 months ago

L'accès à tous les épisodes de votre série, en avant première, est ICI 👉 👈
Tejaswini Metha est une fille de la classe moyenne qui a eu la possibilité d'étudier à l'Université Rajpipla. Là, elle rencontre les héritiers de la famille Singh Rathore dont Prem qui terrorise les autres étudiants avec ses cousins.
👉 Les plus belles Novelas ? Elles sont ICI 👉 👈 Abonnez vous
En s'opposant régulièrement à eux et en sauvant un jour leurs mères d'une tentative de meurtre, Teja s'attire la sympathie des autres membres de cette famille, contrairement au souhait de Prem. Il crée également de nombreux drames pour la chasser de chez lui, car il s'avère que Dharam, son père, l'a autorisé à vivre sous son toit après que ses neveux l'ont kidnappé un soir sur son campus.

La passion amoureuse est une série indienne, produite par Zee avec Pranav Misshra (Prem Singh Rathod, le mari de Tejaswini) et Jyoti Sharma (Tejaswini Prem Singh Rathod, la femme de Prem) dans les rôles principaux avec Archi Pratik, Ray Parihar, Arjun Manhas, Rasik Dave, Hina Rajpur, Kalpesh Patel dans les rôles secondaires.

4 Views · 2 months ago

Exercise To LOSE 2 INCHES OFF WAIST in 1 Week | Do This STANDING 30-Min and Say Goodbye to Belly Fat ➜SIDE FAT Do This Everyday For 7 Days & Say Goodbye To Belly Fat
Do This STANDING 30-Min to Lose That STUBBORN BELLY FAT in 5 weeks | Exercise for Hanging Belly Fat
A hanging belly happens when you have extra fat in your stomach area that you can see on the sides, sometimes forming a pouch. To lose fat from your lower belly, the best method is to lower your overall body fat by eating fewer calories and doing exercises specifically targeting the lower abs. Remember, losing body fat may take some time, but if you keep working hard, you'll see great results. You can do a few simple standing ab workouts at home without needing any special equipment. Give them a try!


✅ Recommended Workout Routine (SAVE VIDEO FOR FUTURE)
Week 1 👉🏼 Do It 3 Days a Week
Week 2 👉🏼 Do It 4 Days a Week
Week 3 👉🏼 Do It 5 Days a Week
Week 4 and beyond 👉🏼 Do It 6 Days a Week

Can you get rid of hanging belly. How do you get rid of a hanging lower stomach. What causes hanging lower belly fat. How to lose hanging belly fat in 2 weeks.
#belly #tummy #abs

Sitting for long hours slows down your metabolism and fat-burning ability. But when you stand or move more during work, your body burns fat. Only 30 minutes of sweating daily can make a difference! Our short and effective fat-burning ab workouts at home are perfect for both women and men. They'll help you lose body fat and get a flatter tummy.
#weightlossworkout #belly #fat #fat_burner #belly_fat #abs
fat burning standing workout, reduce belly fat in just 27 days 7 standing exercise. exercises to lose weight in 10 days 5-minute workout at home for weight loss. exercises for belly fat, how to lose belly fat, do this before bed to lose weight.
#lose_weight #weight_loss

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0 Views · 2 months ago

Here are 8 of the best exercises you can do at home if you want to get a flat stomach and shrink belly fat fast:

1. Leg Drops
2. Reverse Crunches
3. Knee Tuck Crunches
4. Russian Twists
5. Reach Through
6. Heel Touches
7. Single Leg Jacknife
8. Plank

All these exercises are body-weight and are very effective in toning your ab muscles and burning the fat around them.

This workout routine contains all of them for your convenience, and you can do them all in one go. If you do do it, make sure you complete this routine EVERYDAY for 3-4 weeks if you want to really have good results!

Be sure to subscribe to this channel to receive new video workouts regularly, everyday Monday to Friday!

Let's start the workout program and leave me a comment below with your questions and your workout suggestions!

Good luck and much love to you 💪❤️

6 Views · 2 months ago

Finally: a workout suitable for BEGINNERS. // Werbung

What makes this "beginner friendly"?
1. I used BASIC movements, that are not too complicated or hard to perform
2. the workout sequences REPEAT, giving you a chance to get used to the movements & get a better feeling for them
3. a couple of BREAKS. Haha I know you wanted them! The workout sequences are only between 2 or 4 minutes long. Then it's time to catch a breath!
4. includes warm up exercises
5. includes a cool down sequence in the end

But let's make this clear: I was still feeling a serious burn in my muscles and I was still sweating ♥︎
This video is super effective and especially the SLOWNESS gives you so much room to perform everything concentrated, thinking of the exact muscles you want to train. The burn was seriously insane for me!

No Equipment necessary and not much space needed :)
The video is in full length which means you can just follow whatever I’m doing 30s for each exercise.

I recommend switching up your workouts to give your muscles enough time to recover and to hit them from different angles. If you want to challenge your muscles more: check out my Sixpack Video, 20min Booty Workout, Sexy Arm Trainings or the Calorie Burn Session! Those ones are quicker & harder. But try your best!


➞ Instagram
➞ Food Account


MUSIC by Epidemic Sound


CONTACT ME (business inquires):

When joining me for this workout video, you need to take some precautions as your health and safety is the most important. To avoid any injury or harm, you need to check your health with your doctor before exercising. By performing any fitness exercises without supervision like with this video, you are performing them at your own risk. See a fitness professional to give you advice on your exercise form. Pamela Reif will not be responsible or liable for any injury or harm you sustain as a result of this video.

0 Views · 2 months ago

★ My Healthy Diet Food: (Instagram Highlighted)
★ Workout Results:
★ Weekly Workout Playlist: (On Main Page of My YouTube)
★ Free Weekly Workout Program:

☆How many times per week can you workout?
I recommend you do four or five times a week ( Ideal ).
But, if you're time constraints, you can do three times a week:)
Make sure to allow your body recovered as well:)

★ For Better Results:
- Complete this entire routine once or twice a day with My Weekly Full Body Workout PROGRAM ( Free )
- Do it for at least 30 days with a good nutritious meal (essential:)
- Also, consistency is the magic key to achieve your fitness goal. You can do it~! 😊

☆ My Real Daily Diet Tips:

♬ Music By #epidemicpop

▣My Height: 164. 8 // Weight: 43~45 Kg // Body Type: between Mesomorph and Hourglass

▣ How long does weight loss take to show up?
The time it takes for weight loss to show is that everyone is different, depending on a person’s body fat percentage, gender, diet, exercise habits, etc.. It takes at least two weeks and significant weight loss and muscle gains will take approximately eight weeks to see. Healthy weight loss is anywhere from 1 to two pounds per week.

▣ My Most Popular Full Body Burning WORKOUTS (EASY & EFFECTIVE)
(Jumping )
(No Jumping )

▣Grow Taller & Get Slimmer (FUN & EFFECTIVE)


▣ My Morning Skin Care Routines

▣ My Q & A Video

▶For teenagers- It's important for teens to lose weight the healthy way by making diet and lifestyle changes that nourish growing bodies and can be followed long term.
1)firstly think of a healthy eating plan, not diet; Fruits and vegetables every day. .. ( healthy eating doesn't mean going hungry)
2)Do home workout 30 to 60 minutes a day three or four days a week—that's a start, including, aerobic activity are running, swimming, and dancing(not too much)
3) Get enough sleep
4) Protein to build muscles and organs
5 )Love yourself

☆ What I wear #xexymix

Thank you for watching my video and hope you enjoy it. Lots of love from Korea😊

※Disclaimer This workout video on my YouTube channel is the one that I personally do to stay fit and healthy at home. When joining me for this workout video, check your health and safety with experts first since they are the most important. I am not responsible for any injuries and risks arising from this workout video.

※ 이 영상의 저작권은 크리에이터 Shirlyn Kim에게만 있음을 알려드립니다. 저작권 침해위반시 법적책임을 배상할 수 있습니다.

※ Please note that the copyright of this video belongs only to creator Shirlyn Kim. In case of copyright infringement, you will be held legally responsible.

#hourglassbody #pilatesworkout #pilates #fullbodyworkout #weightlosstips #diet #abworkout

0 Views · 2 months ago

Revitalize your well-being! 🌟 Explore our website for personalized workouts, nutrition tips, and invigorating exercises. Start your journey to a healthier you now! 💪 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 👉 Follow along 👉 burn belly fat
🚩 Watch our most popular workout plans here:
⚠️ Go to Amazon to buy these Best Sellers 👇
👉 Weight Loss Products & Fat Burners
👉 Sports Nutrition Products
👉 Vitamins, Minerals & Supplements
👉 Wellness & Relaxation Products
👉 Exercise & Fitness Equipment
👉 Sexual Wellness Products
👉 Skin Care Products
✅ Recommended Plan
Week 1 👉🏼 Do It 3 Days a Week (1-2 rounds a day)
Week 2 👉🏼 Do It 4 Days a Week (2-3 rounds a day)
Week 3 👉🏼 Do It 5 Days a Week (2-4 rounds a day)
Week 4 and beyond 👉🏼 Do It 6 Days a Week (2-4 rounds a day)
✅ Following along with this video means completing all exercises = 1 round
✅ Repeat for 2-4 Rounds for a complete workout
🟡 Duration: 30 minutes
💪 Exercises quantity: 33
🔶 Format: 1 exercise = 45 seconds work + 10 seconds rest
🧘 Equipment: your body
⏳ Timecodes
00:00 - Start
00:10 - Exercise 1
01:05 - Exercise 2
02:00 - Exercise 3
02:55 - Exercise 4
03:50 - Exercise 5
04:45 - Exercise 6
05:40 - Exercise 7
06:35 - Exercise 8
07:30 - Exercise 9
08:25 - Exercise 10
09:20 - Exercise 11
10:15 - Exercise 12
11:10 - Exercise 13
12:05 - Exercise 14
13:00 - Exercise 15
13:55 - Exercise 16
14:50 - Exercise 17
15:45 - Exercise 18
16:40 - Exercise 19
17:35 - Exercise 20
18:30 - Exercise 21
19:25 - Exercise 22
20:20 - Exercise 23
21:15 - Exercise 24
22:10 - Exercise 25
23:05 - Exercise 26
24:00 - Exercise 27
24:55 - Exercise 28
25:50 - Exercise 29
26:45 - Exercise 30
27:40 - Exercise 31
28:35 - Exercise 32
29:30 - Exercise 33
30:19 - Recommended plan
🚩 Make sure to Like, Favorite and Share this video and Subscribe if you haven't do so already. Stay tuned!
Some of the links used in the description will direct you to Amazon, as an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases at no additional cost to you.
A physician or other healthcare professional should be consulted before beginning this or any other fitness program.
In particular, this is true if you (or members of your family) have a history of high blood pressure, heart disease, or if you have experienced chest pain during exercise or within the past month while not physically active, smoking, having high cholesterol, being obese, or having bone or joint problems that are aggravated by physical activity.
Consult your physician or health care provider before beginning this fitness program.
At any time during your workout, you should stop immediately if you experience weakness, dizziness, pain, or shortness of breath.
Health, fitness, and nutrition information is offered on this site solely for educational purposes.
This information is not meant to replace professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, and does not replace it.
Your doctor or another healthcare professional should always be consulted if you have any concerns or questions about your health.
Because of what you might have read on this website, you should not ignore, delay, or avoid getting medical or health-related advice from your healthcare provider.
Any information provided on this site is at your own risk.
Call 911 or your health care professional if you are in the United States and experience a medical or health emergency.
This site should not be used if you find it offensive.

0 Views · 2 months ago

Easy, Normal, Hard, Repeat! Can you keep up the pace? Powerful tempo bodyweight that burns massive calories! Get my App here:

Estimated calories burned in this session: 350+ kcal, more reps in = more calories out!
(your fitness tracker might show different results)

▷Connect with Me
Training & Coaching App:


The exercises and workouts provided in this video are for educational purposes only and are not to be interpreted as a recommendation for a specific treatment plan, product, or course of action.

Before beginning this or any exercise program, please consult a physician for appropriate exercise prescription and safety precautions.

The exercise instruction and advice presented are in no way intended as a substitute for medical consultation. As with any exercise program,
if at any point during your workout you begin to feel faint, dizzy or have physical discomfort,
you should stop immediately and consult a physician.

#fitness #workout #weightloss

0 Views · 2 months ago

It only takes 15 minutes to get the kids exercising to stay healthy!

With this routine, kids will perform 12 different exercises to work on different parts of their bodies, generating a high burn of calories, which will get them to burn fat. Kids will also make their bodies stronger and ready for a healthy and more energetic growth.

Let's call the little ones and start this new workout! 💪

NOTE: We're making a few changes and, for now, we'll share new workouts only from Monday to Friday, on Saturdays there will be no new workouts!


00:00 Hand Claps
00:49 Rest
01:07 Lateral Taps
02:00 Rest
02:18 Side Deep Squats
03:08 Rest
03:26 Ski Hops
04:19 Rest
05:02 High Step March
05:52 Rest
06:10 Reach And Squat
07:00 Rest
07:18 Forward Calf Raises
08:09 Rest
08:26 Forward Jump
09:15 Rest
09:58 Knee Drive
10:47 Rest
11:05 Lunges
11:50 Rest
12:08 Punches
12:59 Rest
13:16 Burpees

0 Views · 2 months ago

This is a FULL BODY 2 Mile Walking Workout! It's a fast and sweaty 30 minute BURST of cardio!

With this workout:
BURN more calories
BOOST energy
FEEL better

The Steps to Miles® system is a registered trademark of Walk Productions, Inc. All rights reserved Walk Productions, Inc. ©

Happy Walking!

Time: 30m
Equipment: None
Instructor: Jordan

Get More Workouts!

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➡️ Check out our store on Amazon:
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About Walk at Home®:

🔹 Walk at Home is the world's leading fitness walking brand. Created by Leslie Sansone, Walk at Home has helped MILLIONS of people live active and healthy lives for over 30 years. Walk at Home is one of the top-selling fitness brands at mass retail, including Walmart, Target, and QVC. Walk at Home's popular YouTube channel has over 3 Million subscribers and is ranked as one of the TOP FITNESS CHANNELS on YouTube. Walk at Home's best-selling app offers a fresh, new set of workouts every month! Learn more at 🔹

Follow Walk at Home:
📸 Instagram: @WalkAtHome
👍 Facebook: @WalkAtHomeOfficial
🐦 Twitter: @WalkAtHome
📺 YouTube: @WalkAtHomebyLeslieSansone
📱 Tik Tok: @WalkAtHome

Walk at Home by Leslie Sansone® is a YouTube channel for at-home walking workouts and fitness exercises. Join the Walk at Home crew on mile walk workouts, fat burning workouts, workout plans and more. We also love to post videos on strength training, cardio exercises, fast and easy workouts, firming routines, and more! Make sure you hit the subscribe button and turn on the "bell" icon 🔔 for notifications on new workout videos. Happy walking!

Love Jordan Rose? We all do!
You can get more at his You Tube Channel @JordanRose617

#walkathome #walkingworkouts #workouts

0 Views · 2 months ago

If you live in an apartment or feel limited working out at home, this workout is for you! This 30 min full body workout can be done in a small space, with NO EQUIPMENT, and there is no jumping/no noise involved.
#homeworkout #fitness #workout



👉🏼THE MAT I USE (Exercise 6X4): (MADFIT10 for 10% off)

✘ I N S T A G R A M: @madfit.ig
✘ T W I T T E R: @maddielymburner
✘ F A C E B O O K:
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0 Views · 2 months ago

Looking to shed belly fat and tighten your waist? Look no further! This video presents you with a selection of top exercises specifically designed to help you lose belly fat and achieve a slim and toned waistline. These simple yet effective exercises can be easily incorporated into your routine at home or at the gym. From targeted core exercises to dynamic movements that engage multiple muscle groups, you'll learn the secrets to blasting away that stubborn belly fat. Say goodbye to love handles and hello to a trimmer waist! Get ready to transform your midsection and boost your confidence with these powerful exercises.#2023 #homefitnesschallenge #loseweight #exercise #slimlegs #tiktokchallenge #exercises #waist #abs #lowerabs

0 Views · 2 months ago

This 15-minute exercise video for older adults features a warm-up, strength, flexibility, and balance exercises; and a cool down. Learn more about the benefits of staying active as you age:

All comments must conform to NIA's comments policy:

#Exercise #OlderAdults #Workout

11 Views · 2 months ago

Examples of warm-up exercises designed by The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center's Sports Medicine team help you increase your motion and efficiency of movement prior to any sporting activity.

The dynamic warm up increases blood flow and "turns on" muscles that need to be ready to perform once you start running or other endurance exercise. This preparation for your activity will help improve movement patterns and decrease any inefficiencies or gait abnormalities in order to increase your performance and decrease the risk of injury.

Want to be a better runner, cyclist or swimmer? Let our healthcare professionals analyze your gait, bike fit and swim stroke:

Learn other ways Ohio State Sports Medicine helps endurance athletes' performance:

Visit The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center:

Subscribe to The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center YouTube channel:

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0:00 Introduction
0:08 What the dynamic warmup is used for
0:36 Head rolls and shoulder rolls
0:55 Arm circles and swimmer’s stretch
1:09 Helicopter/ Trunk rolls
1:30 Windmills/Squats
1:53 Walking lunge
2:10 Spider-Man lunge
2:26 Side shuffles
2:36 Walking hamstring toe touches
2:48 Dynamic calf stretch
3:03 Ankle rolls
3:17 Leg swings

#OSUWexMed #warmups #workout

1 Views · 2 months ago

Exercise anywhere, anytime everyday with this 30-min weight loss workout!

Burn as much fat as you can and see quicker results as you exercise your entire body and all your major muscles with today's video workout.

Strengthen your muscles and burn calories as you exercise with cardio and resistance training. Do this as often as you can to see amazing results!

Good luck and let's begin the workout!❤️💪

**If you want to be notified when I upload a new video, make sure to subscribe to our channel. I upload new videos everyday from Sunday to Friday!

Showing 3 out of 4